module rocci_server 1.0.1; require { type anon_inodefs_t; type home_root_t; type httpd_t; type hwdata_t; type lib_t; type locale_t; type memcache_port_t; type passenger_t; type passenger_log_t; type passenger_var_lib_t; type passenger_tmp_t; type passenger_var_run_t; type pki_ocsp_port_t; type sysfs_t; type var_log_t; type man_t; class capability { fowner fsetid sys_resource sys_ptrace }; class capability2 block_suspend; class dir { add_name open read search write }; class file { create execute execute_no_trans getattr open read write }; class lnk_file read; class sock_file write; class tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect listen }; class unix_stream_socket { getattr read write }; class process { getsession signull }; } #============= httpd_t ============== allow httpd_t passenger_tmp_t:sock_file write; # Fedora >= 22 allow httpd_t pki_ocsp_port_t:tcp_socket name_bind; allow httpd_t passenger_log_t:dir add_name; allow httpd_t passenger_log_t:dir write; allow httpd_t passenger_log_t:file create; allow httpd_t passenger_log_t:file open; # This avc can be allowed using the boolean 'httpd_run_stickshift' (if anybody # knows what that boolean does :-)) allow httpd_t passenger_var_lib_t:dir read; # This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans: # httpd_run_stickshift, httpd_setrlimit allow httpd_t self:capability { fowner sys_resource }; # This avc can be allowed using the boolean 'httpd_run_stickshift' allow httpd_t self:capability fsetid; # This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans: # httpd_can_network_relay, httpd_can_network_memcache, httpd_can_network_connect allow httpd_t memcache_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect; allow httpd_t self:capability sys_ptrace; #============= passenger_t ============== allow passenger_t anon_inodefs_t:file { write read }; allow passenger_t home_root_t:dir search; allow passenger_t httpd_t:unix_stream_socket getattr; allow passenger_t lib_t:file execute_no_trans; allow passenger_t locale_t:file { read getattr open }; allow passenger_t man_t:dir { read open }; # there exists httpd_can_network_memcache boolean, but that's not intended for passenger allow passenger_t memcache_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect; allow passenger_t self:process { getsession signull }; allow passenger_t self:tcp_socket listen; allow passenger_t var_log_t:lnk_file read; # compiling and using # (not needed for rOCCI-server package in Fedora/EPEL) allow passenger_t passenger_var_run_t:file execute; # not audited rules :-( # needed for #1029132 # fixed since selinux-policy-3.12.1-183.fc20 allow passenger_t httpd_t:unix_stream_socket { read write }; # handling exceptions allow passenger_t hwdata_t:dir search; allow passenger_t hwdata_t:file getattr; allow passenger_t hwdata_t:file open; allow passenger_t hwdata_t:file read; allow passenger_t self:capability2 block_suspend; allow passenger_t sysfs_t:dir read; allow passenger_t sysfs_t:file getattr; allow passenger_t sysfs_t:file open; allow passenger_t sysfs_t:file read; allow passenger_t sysfs_t:lnk_file read;